Programme of the 2025 sports science lectures is online
We are proud to present this year's calendar of sports medicine, sports physiotherapy and sports science lectures, in collaboration with our partners the Luxembourg Institute of Research in Orthopedics, Sports Medicine and Science (LIROMS), the Centre Hospitalier de Luxembourg (CHL),
Lecture: “Performance optimisation in Strength & Conditioning for Luxembourg” – Martin Zawieja & Maike Czasche – 25 October
You are invited to our upcoming lecture on 25 October at 17:30 in the amphitheatre of "d'Coque". The event is free to attend and registration is not required. Please note that there will be no livestream for this lecture. Our guest
Lecture: “Optimisation de la récupération en sport : L’influence de la cryothérapie corps entier et d’autres approches” – Christophe Hausswirth – 11 October
You are invited to our upcoming lecture on 11 October at 17:30 at CHL Amphitheatre. The event is free to attend and registration is not required. Please note that there will be no livestream for this lecture. Our guest speaker, Dr
Colloquium cancelled
Unfortunately, the colloquium on performance optimisation in strength & conditioning for Luxembourg scheduled for 26 October has to be cancelled for health reasons and will take place at a later date.
Stream and documents of Prof JB Morin’s lecture on force-velocity profiling in jump and sprint
Please click here to download the slides of the presentation The excel files to calculate the jump force velocity profile is available by clicking here and the sprint excel sheet is available here.
Strength & Conditioning: technique analysis
Today, Martin Zawieja, strength & conditioning expert of the LIHPS, conducted an in-depth analysis of the barbell technique of Habscheid Tom, shot putter for the Luxembourg Paralympic Committee. The technique analysis is designed to both improve Tom's performance and prevent injuries as much
INSEP: Athletes and coaches booklet on confinement training and tipps for elite athletes
For the athletes and coaches who are looking for new information and suggestions on how to make the most of the "stay at home" days, either from a sporting point of view or simply to find answers to practical questions,
Spëtzesportler dierfe vum 4. Mee un nees an der Coque trainéieren Good news for Luxembourg's top athletes and for the Luxembourg sports world! The LIHPS - in close collaboration with the authorities, the Comité Olympique et Sportif Luxembourgeois and the D'Coque - will do its very best to guarantee absolutely safe training conditions and thus
SpeedCourt Training with Mandy Minella
This week Mandy Minella had her first training session on the SpeedCourt at the HPTRC at D'Coque - Centre National Sportif et Culturel. The SpeedCourt Training offers optimal conditions for the promotion of cognitive and motor speed aspects: Reactive agility, multidirectional speed, cognitive
Quality Strength & Conditioning training
Throwback to last week: Claudio Dos Santos, Michel Erpelding and Luka Mladenovic doing some quality Strength & Conditioning training with LIHPS Expert Martin Zawieja at the new High Performance Training & Recovery Center at D'Coque - Centre National Sportif et Culturel. The LIHPS is very happy to