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Official Partners

LIHPS’ high performance services are numerous and are made available to elite athletes and their coaches through various channels. For example, services in the areas of strength and conditioning, dual career counseling, performance diagnostics and coordination of high-performance services are covered by permanent or semi-permanent staff, while sports psychology and nutritional counseling are offered by selected experts.

To complete its range of services, however, the LIHPS also needs committed partners who provide additional manpower, scientific expertise, state-of-the-art infrastructure and specialised equipment. To this end, the LIHPS can build on the following three pillars:

The Centre Medical Olympique Luxembourgeois (CMOL), which provides multi- and interdisciplinary sports medicine services and is located at the Centre Hospitalier Luxembourg (CHL) sports clinic in Eich. These services include advanced general sports medicine, sports cardiology, internistic sports medicine, exercise physiology, clinical biomechanics, surgical and nonoperative orthopedic sports medicine as well as sports physiotherapy and rehabilitation.

The Centre National Sportif et Culturel d’Coque, through its High Performance Training and Recovery Center (HPTRC), makes available world-class infrastructures, such as a large weight room fully equipped with the latest strength and conditioning equipment, a laboratory for performance diagnostics, an altitude chamber, a thermal chamber, a sprint channel and a large number of video and measurement systems for monitoring and improving the daily training of elite athletes.

The Luxembourg Institute of Research in Orthopedics, Sports Medicine and Science (LIROMS), which offers sports science research and highly specialised expertise in the field of biomechanical analysis. This expertise, combined with the creation of a new infrastructure currently under construction in Differdange, will create new and unique opportunities to offer Luxembourg’s elite athletes biomechanical services at the very highest level and according to the latest scientific standards.