Important milestones in
building the LIHPS

An Olympic Medical Center for Luxembourg
The Luxembourg Olympic and Sports Committee (COSL) awards the label “Centre Médical Olympique Luxembourgeois (CMOL)” to the “Centre de l’Appareil Locomoteur, de Médecine du Sport et de Prévention” du CHL, on the basis of quality criteria evaluated by an external commission. The CMOL provides medical assistance to the athletes of the COSL squads and offers sports federations highly specialised know-how as well as an infrastructure that will enable them to implement their medical and sports-related projects.
The creation of a High Performance Center is included in the coalition agreement
The 2013-2018 coalition agreement is signed, stating that the creation and development of an “Olympia-Stützpunkt” in Luxembourg, in consultation with many other partners, constitutes both a realistic medium-term vision and a spectacular step forward for the promotion and support of high-level sport in Luxembourg.
An integrated concept for sports in Luxembourg!

At a press conference in the presence of the Minister for Sport, the Luxembourg Olympic and Sports Committee (COSL) presents an integrated concept for sports in Luxembourg.
This concept, which is the result of extensive work, the first elements of which date back to 2009, underlines the importance of creating a “High Performance Center” in order to stay in touch with international competition in top-level sport.
Signature of the statutes of the Luxembourg Institute for High Performance in Sports

On 13 December 2017, the Luxembourg Olympic and Sports Committee (COSL), the State of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, represented by the Minister of Sport, and the Luxembourg Society of Sports Medicine (SLMS) sign the statutes of the Luxembourg Institute for High Performance in Sports (LIPHS).
Official launch of the activities of the Luxembourg Institute for High Performance in Sports
The Luxembourg Institute for High Performance Sports officially launches its activities and starts with the provision of services in the field of Strength & Conditioning, Sports Medicine and Dual Career Consulting.
Symbolic groundbreaking ceremony for the construction of the “SportFabrik”

In June 2018, the groundbreaking ceremony for the construction of the “SportFabrik” takes place at the Sports Park in Oberkorn.
Based on an idea shared by the Ministry of Sport, the City of Differdange, the COSL and the Eich Sports Clinic, the need emerged for a national centre for sports diagnostics and biomechanical analysis at the forefront of research. Such a centre allows to support and improve the performance of elite sportsmen and women and will prove to be valuable in all types of human motricity analysis.
The necessary scientific expertise is made available by LIROMS while the SportFabrik as such will become another essential pillar of the LIHPS’ concept of high level sport.
2018-2023 coalition agreement confirms willingness to invest in top-level sport
The 2018-2023 coalition agreement confirms the Luxembourg government’s willingness to invest in top-level sport and states that the LIHPS will be allocated the necessary means to best accomplish its missions.
LIROMS becomes a member of the IOC Medical Research Network
In recognition of demonstrated scientific, clinical and educational expertise in sport and exercise medicine, the Luxembourg Institute of Research in Orthopedics, Sports Medicine and Science (LIROMS) becomes a member of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) Medical Research Network. The LIROMS obtains this label within the framework of the French-speaking Research Network for Athlete Health Protection & Performance that it has set up together with the Institut National du Sport et de l’Expertise et de la Performance (INSEP) in Paris and its partners in the French-speaking community (University of Geneva, University of Liège and INS Quebec).
The High Performance Training & Recovery Center opens its doors!

After nearly a year of work, the first phase of the “High Performance Training & Recovery Center” (HPTRC) at the Coque is officially completed. On an area of approximately 2,000 m², the existing facilities of the Coque have been refurbished and equipped with the latest training machines and diagnostic equipment that meet the requirements for professional training: video analysis, altitude chamber, thermal chamber and various performance diagnostic tools are now available to Luxembourg’s elite athletes.
The LIHPS takes in charge the sports management of this impressive infrastructure, which is an essential pillar of its concept of providing high quality services for top-level sport.
LIHPS signs a memorandum of understanding with INSEP

A memorandum of understanding is signed between France’s Institut National du Sport, de l’Expertise et de la Performance (INSEP) and the LIHPS. The signing takes place in the presence of its partners the COSL, the CNSC ‘d’Coque’ and the LIROMS.
The memorandum focuses on cooperation in the exchange of experts in sports medicine and sports science, support for innovative programmes involving high performance and research, participation in conferences, participation of speakers and lecturers, and the exchange of sports teams as part of training camps.
Official opening of the SportFabrik in Differdange

The Minister of Sport, Georges Engel, in the presence of the Minister of Higher Education and Research, Claude Meisch, the Mayor of Differdange, Christiane Brassel-Rausch, and the President of the LIHPS, André Hoffmann, opens the SportFabrik in Differdange.
This state-of-the-art infrastructure, the result of a joint initiative by the Ministry of Sport, the City of Differdange, the COSL and the CMOL, places Luxembourg at the forefront of movement analysis, injury prevention and return to sport for top athletes in Europe. Managed by the LIHPS, in collaboration with its scientific partner the LIROMS, the biomechanical laboratory of the SportFabrik aims to promote high-level sport, sports medicine and science.