Does collagen protein supplementation improve sports performance?
Background It has been suggested that dietary collagen provides an anabolic stimulus and that its key precursors, proline and glycine, are required to increase collagen synthesis. Similarly, there is evidence that whey protein supplementation, in particular the amino acid leucine, stimulates
Zoom on carbohydrates (CHO): different types and effects
There is consensus among sports nutritionists about the benefits of carbohydrates (CHO) in sport. But types of CHO and the associated terminology are complex and often confusing. Let’s take a closer look at some terms related to CHO, glycaemic index,
Relive our sports nutrition round table
Here below you can watch the video of the recent round table organised by LIHPS in collaboration with the Luxembourg academy of sports medicine, physiotherapy and science on the nutritional impact on injury prevention and immune system (in Luxembourgish).
Altitude training: higher, harder, hungrier?
The picture shows track and field athlete Charel Grethen (FLA) preparing for his current altitude training camp in Kenya in the HPTRC's altitude chamber, with the aim of shortening the adaptation period on-site and enabling higher training intensities from the
The effect of antioxidants on exercise performance
Antioxidants are omnipresent: food, healthcare products, skin care products, cosmetics, supplements. As we cannot escape them, we think they are essential for our general good health and for the wellbeing of our body and cells. Antioxidants protect our cells from
Back to the roots: the “food-first” approach
What is the “food-first” approach? As a sports dietician, the challenge is to join scientific knowledge with practical feasibility, respecting the joy of food and gustative preferences of athletes. Using the food-first approach means taking food to get nutrients in a
INSEP: Athletes and coaches booklet on confinement training and tipps for elite athletes
For the athletes and coaches who are looking for new information and suggestions on how to make the most of the "stay at home" days, either from a sporting point of view or simply to find answers to practical questions,
Do you often experience gastrointestinal problems during training or competition?
Gastro-intestinal (GI) problems are very common among athletes, especially in endurance sports. Symptoms may include upper GI complaints (belching, vomiting, bloating, stomach cramps, nausea) and lower GI complaints (cramping, flatulence, diarrhoea). These symptoms could impair performance during competition. The main causes of
Key strategies to limit the risk of infections
In these challenging times we are often asked by athletes what they should pay attention to. Regarding the general risk of becoming infected with respiratory pathogens like the corona virus, you will find some key strategies to limit the risk
Lecture: Dietary supplements and elite athletes – Prof Asker Jeukendrup
Our next lecture will be on dietary supplements and elite athletes with Prof Asker Jeukendrup (Loughborough University), nutritionist and exercise physiologist for many elite athletes and teams as well as member of the IOC sports nutrition advisory board. Entrance is free,