Memorandum of understanding between the INSEP and the LIHPS
On 14 October, during the ReFORM Network Symposium on Injury Prevention in Sport at the brand-new biomechanical centre “SportFabrik” in Differdange (L), a memorandum of understanding was signed between the Institut National du Sport, de l’Expertise et de la Performance (INSEP) and the Luxembourg Institute for High Performance in Sports (LIHPS). The signing took place in the presence of its partners the Comité Olympique et Sportif Luxembourgeois (COSL), the Centre National Sportif et Culturel (CNSC) and the Luxembourg Institute of Research in Orthopedics, Sports Medicine & Science (LIROMS).
This memorandum of understanding will not only strengthen the existing cooperation and friendly relations between the different partners, but will also focus on collaboration in the following areas:
- Exchange of experts in sports medicine and sports science
- Support of innovative programmes in the field of high performance and research
- Participation in conferences, participation of speakers and lecturers
- Cross-exchanges of sports teams in the context of training camps
The signing demonstrates the shared commitment of all partners to work towards the common goal of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games and Paralympic Games and the development of high-performance sport in general, while protecting the physical and mental health of athletes.